Problem Sets
Jenny Smetzer, William Hopper, Beth
Brown and Albert Y. Kim (Smith College) have produced problem sets
and lab materials for ModernDive:
- PS01: Introduction to R:
- PS02: Data visualization with
- PS03: Data wrangling with
- PS04: Regression with one numerical variable:
- PS05: Regression with one categorical variable:
- PS06: Multiple regression with one numerical and one
categorical variable:
- PS07: Sampling distributions:
- PS08: Confidence intervals and the bootstrap:
- PS09: Hypothesis testing:
- NEW - PS10: Inference for regression:
- Download all necessary files to reproduce these problem sets here:
- Obtain solutions (verified instructors only) by filling out this Google Form.
Term Project
We at ModernDive are enthusiastic proponents of the following
learning goal for any course that uses our book: Engage in the data/science research pipeline in as faithful a
manner as possible while maintaining a level suitable for novices.
We think the best way to satisfy this learning goal is for students to
complete a term project!

- Check out an example term project by Alexis Cohen, Andrianne Dao,
and Isabel Gomez analyzing Massachusetts high school data.
- For more information on how we present the term project to students,
see the Term Project page.
- Be sure to look at our data wrangling “Tips & Tricks” ModernDive page
written by Jenny Smetzer. It’s based on the seven most common data
wrangling questions we’ve encountered from students while they were
working on their term projects:

Previous Versions
These are the previous online versions of the
ModernDive textbook that may be out of date: