• Added almonds_bowl and almonds_sample_100 data for upcoming ModernDive v2 updates to Inference chapters
  • Added early_january_2023_weather and envoy_flights data for upcoming ModernDive v2 updates derived from data in the nycflights23 package
  • Changed printing of non-baseline categorical variable levels in regression table to be cleaner #102
  • Added explicit conf.level argument to get_regression_table() inherited from broom::tidy.lm()
  • Improved main package vignette based on feedback from @lwjohnst86 & @lisamr
  • Added JOSE publication in vignettes/paper.md
  • Fixed pkgdown and covr issues, defragged documentation.
  • Use vdiffr conditionally
  • Added geom_parallel_slopes() geom extension to ggplot2 package to plot parallel slopes regression models with one numerical and one categorical variable (this is not possible using ggplot2::geom_smooth()). Note this renders gg_parallel_slopes() function added in v0.3.0 obsolete.
  • Added example of geom_parallel_slopes() to “Why moderndive?” vignette
  • Added student names (permission obtained in all cases) to pennies_resamples data frame columns
  • get_correlation() now:
    • Respects dplyr::group_by() grouping
    • Can handle missing data by either passing na.rm = TRUE argument or by passing standard stats:cor(use = "complete.obs") argument via ...
  • Added minimally viable “parallel slopes” regression model plotting function gg_parallel_slopes(). In the future we hope to define a new ggplot2 geom.
  • Added “Why moderndive?” vignette
  • Added ID argument to get_regression_points() to return a column that identifies the observational units/rows
  • Datasets:
    • Added DD_vs_SB: Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks in Eastern Massachusetts data collected by @DelaneyMoran
    • Added promotions: tibble version of openintro::gender.discrimination used to illustrate permutation test.
    • Added MA_schools: Relationship between SAT scores and socio-economic status for Massachusetts high schools.
    • Added mythbusters_yawn: Data from study on Mythbusters show on whether yawning is
    • Added promotions_shuffled: one instance of promotions with gender permuted/shuffled
    • Original pennies_sample sample of 40 pennies from pennies has been renamed orig_pennies_sample. New pennies_sample consists of 50 pennies sampled from bank in Northampton, MA, USA on 2019/2/1.
    • Added pennies_resamples: 35 bootstrap resamples of new pennies_sample
    • Added movies_genre: random sample of 32 action and 36 romance movies from ggplot2movies::movies
  • Removed all assertive::assert() code
  • Converted house_prices$date from dttm (date-time) to date per R4DS comment on using simplest data type possible

Updated package for:


  • Created get_correlation() function to omit $ syntax and return a data frame
  • Import infer::rep_sample_n() instead of our own defined version, as this function is now included in infer
  • Added evals, house_prices, tactile_prop_red, pennies_sample and mythbusters_yawn datasets
  • Added mean squared error and root mean squared error to output of get_regression_summaries()
  • Added newdata argument to get_regression_points(). When:
    • Original outcome variable is included in newdata, output it as well as residual (See Issue 17).
    • Otherwise omit residual
  • Removed tidyverse from Depends, Imports, or Suggests

Fixed broken url in ?bowl_samples

  • Added three get_regression_* functions meant for novice R users/regression fitters that process regression model outputs
  • Added datasets:
    • pennies: 800 pennies to be treated as a population from which to simulate sampling a numerical variable from (year of minting)
    • bowl: Bowl of 2400 balls of which 900 are red to be treated as a population from which to simulate sampling a categorical variable from (color). Also known as the urn sampling framework .
    • bowl_samples: data from tactile version of sampling from bowl done in class: 10 groups sampled n=50 balls from and counted the number red [ADD MODERNDIVE LINK]